Monday, March 17, 2008



Lips and well known words.
Traditional enemies, battle for the real thing
And wounds cease to hold back.
Clenched fists and hopes to reverse the wheel –
Brighten the iris.
Unaware of the gory chronicle,
The horizon sports a smile at dawn…
But, where are the birds?

The parrots have flown away,
And the pastels on the branches
Seem, a shade lighter.
Winter is here – hues are changing…
It is cold; looks are changing…
The gardener will be on song
Because Keats had hope.
I guess he was on the other side of the fence.

Here, tragedies occur,
And bearded dreamers wait for the moon on Emajor
While the voice provides company.
The tangible firmament is less alluring,
And Belafonte adds to the misery.
A pity…

The stethoscope dangles;
The doctor reflects –
From the ambulance to the bed,
He has seen it all.
How, the power of a few sleeping pills
Humiliates six years of diligence.
Hands clutch onto the bedsheet,
Expressions are choked behind masks
The gloved finger shivers…
The iris widens…once….

The year has ended.
Along with many lives.
We shroud the pupil behind glasses,
And embrace the night,
To wait for the red morning,
The green grass, the blue sky
And the white tomorrow.
And then retreat into the future.
Anyway…happy birthday.